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Hankkeen toimijat ja rahoittajat (etusivulla)


Welcome to ALIISA-project website!


  • art pedagogical education: knowledge, skills, attitudes and capabilities
  • accessibility of art and culture
  • equal opportunities to participate in cultural activities
  • the possibilities of creativity and versatility
  • the use of art in different contexts
  • art as a promoter of equality

All in – International Inclusive Society in Arts (ALIISA)

  • Erasmus+ project 1.9.2020-31.8.2023
  • Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
  • KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education
  • 2020-1-FI01-KA201-066460

Cooperation between higher education and general education / general art education is a major starting point for the project. By strategic partnership ALIISA Project implements the social mission and responsibility of increasing well-being through art and cultural activities.

See the entirety of the ALIISA project here
Entirety of the ALIISA Project.
Click the image for PDF-version.

Savonia University of Applied Sciences

Savonia is one of the largest and most versatile Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland. Our organization of experts educates strong professionals in six different fields of study. Our campuses are located in Kuopio, Iisalmi and Varkaus.

Savonia UAS wishes to serve the surrounding work life actively. Savonia UAS is profiled by its focus areas. Each focus area contains both basic and higher university of applied sciences education, diverse RDI activities and strong business activities. The manager of the ltd and the President of Savonia UAS is Mrs Mervi Vidgrén.

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