
Project management and Quality assurance monitoring will help the project consortium to control the development process of the educational activities and estimate how the continuing art education cooperation can meet the needs of society:

  • Planning and Implementation - IO 1-4
    • The development of a continuing art education model and its three national implementation modalities
    • Workshops (LTT 1-3) + practical training for continuing education students in co-operation with associated partners
  • Evaluation - IO 5-6
    • Review of teaching practices and learning experiences and outcomes
  • Productization - IO 7-8
    • Comparing educational and administrative practices, seeking solutions and ensuring continuity
  • Dissemination - IO 9-11
    • Increasing the conspicuousness and methods of inclusive art education across the Europe
    • Dissemination Events (MPE) in every partner country

The project will produce 11 different outputs (IO 1-11), organize three workshops (LTT) and dissemination events (MPE) - one in each partner country, and hold four project meetings (TPM).

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